تحرير المقالة

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عدد الكلمات: 805  آخر تحرير بواسطة basma في يوم 20 فبراير، 2022 الساعة 11:26 ص

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كلمات تقال في الصباح للزوج بالانجليزي

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خيارات WP Rocket

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Table of Contents

  • Using the advanced options below will override the global advanced settings.

Select the heading to consider when generating the table of contents. Deselecting a heading will exclude it.

Alternate Headings
  • Level [1.1]|Alternate TOC Header Replaces Level [1.1] in the table of contents with Alternate TOC Header.

Note: This is case sensitive.

Exclude Headings
  • Fruit* Ignore headings starting with “Fruit”.
  • *Fruit Diet* Ignore headings with “Fruit Diet” somewhere in the heading.
  • Apple Tree|Oranges|Yellow Bananas Ignore headings that are exactly “Apple Tree”, “Oranges” or “Yellow Bananas”.

Note: This is not case sensitive.